javascript - HTTP 404 error in angularjs with spring mvc -

actually want integrate spring angularjs , beginner in angularjs. when use $http post method return post 404 .here code


var myapp = angular.module('myapp', ['ngroute']); 


 myapp.controller('useridcontroller', [  '$scope',  'useridservice',   function($scope, useridservice) {       $scope.saveuser = function() {           useridservice.saveuser($scope.user).then(                 function success(response) {                     console.log("user added");                 }, function error(response) {                     console.log("user not added")                 });     } } ]);    


myapp.service('useridservice', [ '$http', function($http) { this.saveuser = function saveuser(user) {     console.log("enter in service angular")     return $'/usersid', {         username : user.firstname     })  };  }]) 

i error

  request url:http://localhost:8080/usersid   request method:post   status code:404    remote address:[::1]:8080   referrer policy:no-referrer-when-downgrade 

does have idea of i'm doing wrong? seems pretty straight forward implementation working on of tutorials i've seen yet. appreciated. thank you.


public class useridcontroller {     private static final logger logger = logmanager.getlogger(useridcontroller.class);     requestmapping(value = "/usersid", method =     responsebody public string storeuser(requestbody studentdetails studentdetails) {         logger.debug("enter in post method " + studentdetails.getusername());         string response = "user not exist"; return response;     }  } 


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