AngularJS directive not using the scope items -

i'm quite unfamiliar angular directives , i've been trying make template work hours, can't what's wrong it.

so i'm calling directive in html page:

<div ng-controller="projectdetailscontroller vm"> <div layout="row">     <div>         <img src="../../../img/monocombustionwithdryer.png" />     </div>     <div>         <h4>spent grains</h4>         <div layout="column">             <div layout="row">                 <input-widget inputlabel="dry solid content of wet bsg (% ds)"                               ngstyle="combwithdryer1"                               ngmodel="vm.selectedproject.monocombustionwithdryerscenario.bsg.percentdry"                               disablededition="vm.disablededition"                               helptext="common values between 20 , 25 % ds."></input-widget> 

and defined directive in page controller:

angular.module('projects') .controller('projectdetailscontroller', projectdetailscontroller) .directive('inputwidget', function ($compile) {     return {         restrict: 'e',         replace: true,         scope: {             inputlabel: '=', ngstyle: '=', ngmodel: '=', disablededition: '=', helptext: '='         },         template: '<md-input-container layout="row">' +                       '<label>{{inputlabel}}</label>' +                       '<input ng-style="ngstyle" ng-change="ngstyle={background:"#80ccff"}" ng-model="ngmodel" ng-disabled="disablededition">' +                       '<md-button class="help_button" aria-label="help">' +                           '<md-tooltip md-direction="top" md-delay="200">{{helptext}}</md-tooltip>' +                           '<img src="/img/help.png" />' +                       '</md-button>' +                   '</md-input-container>'     }; }); 

yet in end, directive scope items written first template element, , not used should be:

<md-input-container layout="row" inputlabel="dry solid content of wet bsg (% ds)" ngstyle="combwithdryer1" ngmodel="vm.selectedproject.monocombustionwithdryerscenario.bsg.percentdry" disablededition="vm.disablededition" helptext="common values between 20 , 25 % ds." class="ng-isolate-scope layout-row"> <label class="ng-binding" for="input_6"></label> <input ng-style="ngstyle" ng-change="ngstyle={background:" #80ccff"}"="" ng-model="ngmodel" ng-disabled="disablededition" class="ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid md-input ng-empty" id="input_6" aria-invalid="false"> <div class="md-errors-spacer"></div> <button class="help_button md-button md-ink-ripple" type="button" ng-transclude="" aria-label="help"> <img src="/img/help.png" class="ng-scope"> </button> 

what did miss here? many in advance.


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