Unable in getting data using apache httpclient for type application/atom+xml -

i have file filename.gz , content below.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/atom">    <title type="text">customer 12 log feed</title>         <updated>2016-11-04t01:00:37z</updated>    <id>urn:uuid:692a3f6e-c2b6-fe93-c780-498d1e711c31</id>    <link href="http://localhost:8080/logatom/srcynmxlnjnmm53azfzmi5jzg4=/atom/12/feed/157_20161104/2" rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" />    <link href="http://localhost:8080/logatom/srcynmxlnjnmm53azfzmi5jzg4=/atom/12/feed" rel="current" type="application/atom+xml" />    .    .    . </feed> 

there code parse file , href attribute value, use below.

closeablehttpclient httpclient = wrapclient(hcb); 

//here url href value http://localhost:8080/logatom/srcynmxlnjnmm53azfzmi5jzg4=/atom/12/feed/157_20161104/2

httpget httpget = new httpget(url);
response = httpclient.execute(httpget);

here not getting response , find error status code. when manually go tomacat server location link http://localhost:8080/logatom/srcynmxlnjnmm53azfzmi5jzg4=/atom/12/feed/157_20161104/2, found 2.gz file there. href value should http://localhost:8080/logatom/srcynmxlnjnmm53azfzmi5jzg4=/atom/12/feed/157_20161104/2/2.gz

but code have taken production server, seems not wrong:)

i need read feed files in input stream , write output stream. please share thoughts. here i'm stuck.



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