rename - I am trying to append today's date to pdfs in a subfolder using a .bat file. Right now I have: -

new -- trying make .bat file rename files in subfolder, (i want behave %folder% rather using actual location), adding prefix, abs_ 123, today's date, _20170818

right have (pseudo):

@echo off %subfolder% (*) ren "%%a" "pre %%a" (*) ren "%%~a" "%%~na ("_%%date)%%~xa" 

i agree compos , mofis comments, imo there lot of outdated variants proposed here on with:

  • locale/user settings dependent %date% , %time% variables or
  • the clumsy parse wmic variant it's cr/cr/lf sequences.
  • j-/vbscript solutions require either temp file or hybrid version difficult understand newbies.

using/parsing powershell comes @ small delay, used once in script shouldn't matter.

you may insert day offset different dates.

@echo off /f %%y in (     'powershell -nop -c "(get-date).adddays(-1).tostring(\"yyyy-mm-dd\")"' ) set yesterday=%%y echo yesterday = %yesterday%  /f %%d in (     'powershell -nop -c "(get-date).adddays(0).tostring(\"mm\/dd\/yyyy\")"' ) set "dt=%%d" echo today mdy = %dt%  /f %%t in (     'powershell -nop -c "(get-date).adddays(+1).tostring(\"yyyy\/mm\/dd\")"' ) set tomorrow=%%t echo tomorrow  = %tomorrow%  /f %%o in (     'powershell -nop -c "(get-date).adddays(0).tostring(\"o\")"' ) set iso8601=%%o echo iso8601   = %iso8601%  /f "delims=" %%u in (     'powershell -nop -c "(get-date).adddays(0).tostring(\"u\")"' ) set utc=%%u echo utc       = %utc%  /f "delims=" %%f in (     'powershell -nop -c "(get-date).adddays(0).tostring(\"f\")"' ) set fulldt=%%f echo fulldt    = %fulldt% 

output on german locale system, day-/month names come in locale.

yesterday = 2017-08-17 today mdy = 08/18/2017 tomorrow  = 2017/08/19 iso8601   = 2017-08-18t17:06:46.1050969+02:00 utc       = freitag, 18. august 2017 15:06:46 fulldt    = freitag, 18. august 2017 17:06:46 

see this link more format specifiers


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