Google and Facebook Firebase login authentication using swift 3 in ios -

i want implement both login using google , login using facebook in view using firebase auth

my appdelegate.swift follows:

class appdelegate: uiresponder, uiapplicationdelegate {

func application(_ application: uiapplication, didfinishlaunchingwithoptions launchoptions: [uiapplicationlaunchoptionskey: any]?) -> bool {     // override point customization after application launch.      firebaseapp.configure()      fbsdkapplicationdelegate.sharedinstance().application(application, didfinishlaunchingwithoptions: launchoptions)      return true }  func application(_ application: uiapplication, open url: url, sourceapplication: string?, annotation: any) -> bool {     let handled =  fbsdkapplicationdelegate.sharedinstance().application(application,                                                                          open: url,                                                                          sourceapplication: sourceapplication,                                                                          annotation: annotation)      return handled }  func application(_ app: uiapplication, open url: url, options: [uiapplicationopenurloptionskey : any] = [:]) -> bool {     return gidsignin.sharedinstance().handle(url,                                              sourceapplication:options[uiapplicationopenurloptionskey.sourceapplication] as? string,                                              annotation: [:])  } 


viewcontroller.swift as

class viewcontroller: uiviewcontroller, gidsignindelegate, gidsigninuidelegate {

override func viewdidload() {     super.viewdidload()      gidsignin.sharedinstance().uidelegate = self     gidsignin.sharedinstance().clientid =     gidsignin.sharedinstance().delegate = self  }   @ibaction func gsigninpressed(_ sender: any) {     print("gsignin pressed")     gidsignin.sharedinstance().signin() }   @ibaction func fbpressed(_ sender: any) {      let facebooklogin = fbsdkloginmanager()      facebooklogin.login(withreadpermissions: ["email", "public_profile"], from: self) { (result, error) in         if error != nil {             print("uhhhh! unable connect facebook")         } else if result?.iscancelled == true {             print("uhhh! user cancelled fb auth")         } else {             print("uhhh! sucessfully authenticated fb")             let credential = facebookauthprovider.credential(withaccesstoken: fbsdkaccesstoken.current().tokenstring)             self.firebaseauth(credential)         }      }  }  func firebaseauth(_ credential: authcredential) {      auth.auth().signin(with: credential) { (user, error) in         if error != nil {             // ...             print("error in credentials")             print(error!)             return         }         // user signed in         // ...         let email = user?.email         print(email!)     } }  func sign(_ signin: gidsignin!, didsigninfor user: gidgoogleuser!, witherror error: error!) {     if error != nil {         print("error in google sign in")         return     }     guard let authentication = user.authentication else { return }     let credential = googleauthprovider.credential(withidtoken: authentication.idtoken,accesstoken: authentication.accesstoken)     self.firebaseauth(credential)  } 



 //mark: - handle url fb , google sign - func application(_ application: uiapplication, open url: url, sourceapplication: string?, annotation: any) -> bool {      //handle url application receives @ end of authentication process -     var flag: bool = false     // handle facebook url scheme     if let washandled:bool = fbsdkapplicationdelegate.sharedinstance().application(application, open: url, sourceapplication: sourceapplication, annotation: annotation) {         flag = washandled     }     // handle google url scheme     if let googleplusflag: bool = gidsignin.sharedinstance().handle(url, sourceapplication: sourceapplication!, annotation: annotation) {         flag = googleplusflag     }     return flag } 

try in appdelegate


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