Jasper Report issue Report design not valid & java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Gradle -

i working on multimodule project , generating jasper reports using gradle anttask. using gradle ant task

my project structure is:-

`rootproject -a  module-b ---> classes using here during jasper report generation.  module-c ---> added ant task in build.gradle , .jrxml files in module.  ` 

.jrxml files in module-c , when generating reports searching classes present in module-b. have defined classpath under anttask in module-c - classpath(path: sourcesets.main.output.classesdir) wont able classess module-b. please advice how classes required while executing jaspertask

apply plugin: 'java' apply plugin: 'maven' apply plugin: 'war'   group = 'org.c'  version = '1.0.0'  description = 'c module' sourcesets {  main {     java { srcdir 'src' }     resources { srcdir 'resources' } } test {     java {              srcdir 'test'           }     } }      sourcecompatibility = 1.6     targetcompatibility = 1.6  repositories {     mavenlocal()   //added other repositories per requirement  }  configurations { jasperreports {     transitive = true }  }  gradle.projectsevaluated { processresources.dependson(compilejasperreports) } dependencies { jasperreports 'net.sf.jasperreports:jasperreports:5.6.0',         'org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all:2.3.6' }   task compilejasperreports { def jaspersourcedir = file('src/main/jasper')     ant {     taskdef(name:'jrc',classname:'net.sf.jasperreports.ant.   jrantcompiletask',classpath:configurations.jasperreports.aspath)`     sourcesets.main.output.classesdir = new file(builddir,   "classes/main")                 sourcesets.main.output.classesdir.mkdirs()     jrc(srcdir: jaspersourcedir, destdir:sourcesets.main.output.classesdir)          {                         **classpath(path: sourcesets.main.output.classesdir)**        //here need add classes directory of module-b classes--how       add       module-b classes .jrxml can access , generate report..                                            include(name: '**/*.jrxml')                 }              }             }    dependencies {          compile project(':b')   //provided other dependencies per build needs.    } 


[ant:jrc] file : c:\users\test\desktop\project\c\src\main\jasper\test.jrxml ... failed. [ant:jrc] error compiling report design : c:\users\test\desktop\project\c\src\main\jasper\test.jrxml [ant:jrc] net.sf.jasperreports.engine.design.jrvalidationexception: report design not valid : [ant:jrc]        1. java.lang.classnotfoundexception: org.b.classname [ant:jrc]       @ net.sf.jasperreports.engine.design.jrabstractcompiler.verifydesign(jrabstractcompiler.java 


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