postgresql - Can't find my mistake - INSERT has more target columns than expressions -
i struggling understand made mistake.
what have checked :
values of parameters
amount of parameters : i'm correctly trying update of columns of sql table.
tried code on sql table (with different columns) , works flawlessly.
rewrote whole sql request twice , i'm still getting error.
exact error message i'm getting (translated):
error : insert has more target columns expressions. : function pl/pgsql insupd_ref_zone_type_link1(), line 17 @ sql instruction
thanks reading,
edit : can't open links, code below :
sql table :
-- table: public.ref_zone_type_link1 -- drop table public.ref_zone_type_link1; create table public.ref_zone_type_link1 ( modified_by text not null, modified_from text not null, modify_date timestamp(6) time zone not null, zonetype_id bigint not null default nextval('ref_zone_type_link1_zonetype_id_seq'::regclass), documentsubtype_id bigint not null, program_level boolean not null default false, complex_level boolean not null default false, subcomplex_level boolean not null default false, lot_level boolean not null default false, usage_enddate timestamp(6) time zone, constraint ref_zone_type_link1_pk primary key (zonetype_id, documentsubtype_id), constraint ref_zone_type_link1_ref_document_subtype_fk foreign key (documentsubtype_id) references public.ref_document_subtype (documentsubtype_id) match simple on update no action on delete no action, constraint ref_zone_type_link1_ref_zone_type_fk foreign key (zonetype_id) references public.ref_zone_type (zonetype_id) match simple on update no action on delete no action ) ( oids=false ); alter table public.ref_zone_type_link1 owner buildingmgr; -- trigger: before_delrow_ref_zone_type_link1 on public.ref_zone_type_link1 -- drop trigger before_delrow_ref_zone_type_link1 on public.ref_zone_type_link1; create trigger before_delrow_ref_zone_type_link1 before delete on public.ref_zone_type_link1 each row execute procedure public.del_ref_zone_type_link1(); -- trigger: before_insupdrow_ref_zone_type_link1 on public.ref_zone_type_link1 -- drop trigger before_insupdrow_ref_zone_type_link1 on public.ref_zone_type_link1; create trigger before_insupdrow_ref_zone_type_link1 before insert or update on public.ref_zone_type_link1 each row execute procedure public.insupd_ref_zone_type_link1();
java code :
public static void update(string author_ip, string author_login, double date, integer zonetype_id, integer documentsubtype_id, boolean program_level, boolean complex_level, boolean subcomplex_level, boolean lot_level, string usage_enddate) throws sqlexception, myexception { final logger logger = logmanager.getlogger(refzonetypelink1.class); connection conn = dbutils.getdbconnectionname("buildingmgr"); if (conn == null){ logger.error("refzonetypelink1 method : update\n"+messages.geterrormessage("conn_fail")); throw new myexception("conn_fail"); } mystatement statement_action; string sqlorder = "update ref_zone_type_link1 set modified_by = ?, modified_from = ?, modify_date = to_timestamp(?), " + " program_level = ?, complex_level = ?, subcomplex_level = ?, lot_level = ?, usage_enddate = ? " + " zonetype_id = ? , documentsubtype_id = ?"; try { statement_action = new mystatement(conn.preparestatement(sqlorder)); statement_action.setstring(1, author_login); statement_action.setstring(2, author_ip); statement_action.setdouble(3, date); statement_action.setboolean(4, program_level); statement_action.setboolean(5, complex_level); statement_action.setboolean(6, subcomplex_level); statement_action.setboolean(7, lot_level); if (usage_enddate != "") { try { statement_action.setdate(8, new simpledateformat("dd/mm/yyyy").parse(usage_enddate).gettime())); } catch (parseexception e) { logger.error("refbuildingownergroup method : create\n"+e.getlocalizedmessage()); statement_action.setnull(8,; } } else { statement_action.setnull(8,; } statement_action.setint(9, zonetype_id); statement_action.setint(10, documentsubtype_id); statement_action.executeupdate(); } catch (sqlexception e) { dbutils.deldbconnection(conn); logger.error("refzonetypelink1 method : update\n"+e.getlocalizedmessage()); throw e; } dbutils.deldbconnection(conn); }
as asked, insupd_ref_zone_type_link1 function.
for can't open link, code below :
-- function: public.insupd_ref_zone_type_link1() -- drop function public.insupd_ref_zone_type_link1(); create or replace function public.insupd_ref_zone_type_link1() returns trigger $body$ begin if (new.modified_by='') new.modified_by=null; end if; if (new.modified_from='') new.modified_from=null; end if; if (tg_op='update' , new.modify_date >= now()) raise exception 'modify_date must inf now()'; end if; if (tg_op = 'update' , new.modify_date < old.modify_date , (new.modified_by != old.modified_by or new.modified_from != old.modified_from)) raise exception 'data modified after user:%,time:%',old.modified_by,to_char(old.modify_date,'dd/mm/yyyy hh:mi:ss'); end if; new.modify_date:=now(); if (tg_op = 'update') insert ref_zone_type_archive values (new.modify_date,new.modified_by,new.modified_from,old.*); end if; return new; end; $body$ language plpgsql volatile cost 100; alter function public.insupd_ref_zone_type_link1() owner buildingmgr;
last edit guess :
as vao tsun pointed out, because wrong table updated. ref_zone_type_archive
instead of ref_zone_type_link1_archive
editing function solved problem.
i didn't checked part, didn't create database.
it works flawlessly now, !
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