Stripe on an AngularJs website with Apple/Android pay -

i trying set stripe on website take credit card payments. have managed stripe pay working this:

function directive() {     return {         restrict: 'a',         controller: 'stripepaycontroller',         controlleras: 'controller',         bindtocontroller: true,         templateurl: 'app/directives/stripe-pay/stripe-pay.html'     }; };  function controller(stripepayservice) {     var self = this;      // method binding     self.checkout = stripepayservice.checkout;      init();      //////////////////////////////////////////////////      function init() {         stripepayservice.configure();     }; };   function service($rootscope, $localstorage, $q, $document, paymentservice) {     var handler;     return {         configure: configure,         checkout: checkout     };      //////////////////////////////////////////////////      function configure() {          // load our script         loadscript().then(function () {                             handler = stripecheckout.configure({                 key: 'my-code',                 locale: 'auto',                 token: function (token) {                     token.transaction = transaction();                     paymentservice.create({ token: }).then(function (response) {                         var authorizationdata = $rootscope.authorizationdata;                         authorizationdata.stripecardid = response.stripecardid;                         authorizationdata.stripecustomerid = response.stripecustomerid;                         authorizationdata.stripesubscriptionid = response.stripesubscriptionid;                         $localstorage.set('authorizationdata', angular.tojson(authorizationdata));                     });                 }             });         });     };      function checkout(e) {;         e.preventdefault();     };      function transaction() {         var email = $rootscope.authorizationdata.username;         return {             name: 'acme ltd',             description: 'results',             email: email,             zipcode: false,             currency: 'gbp',             amount: 199         };     };      function loadscript() {          // create our script         var deferred = $q.defer();         var doc = $document[0];         var script = doc.createelement('script');          // set url         script.src = '';          // bind our methods         script.onload = function () {             deferred.resolve();         };          // bind our methods         script.onreadystatechange = function () {             var rs = this.readystate;             if (rs === 'loaded' || rs === 'complete')                 deferred.resolve();         };          // bind our methods         script.onerror = function () {             deferred.reject(new error('unable load checkout.js'));         };          // head         var container = doc.getelementsbytagname('head')[0];          // append our script our page         container.appendchild(script);          // return our promise         return deferred.promise;     }; }; 

this seems work fine. setting apply pay seems lot more complicated. have angularjs code have used before might able me?

stripe great job explaining how in documentation. use vanilla javascript, should able convert angular pretty easily.


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