c - Error accessing 64bit DLL function -

i have created 64bit dll file using microsoft visual studio 2015. visual c --> win32 project.

the code squaremain.c follows :

 long _stdcall square(long a)  {   return a*a;  } 

the code defile.def follows :

    library "square"     exports     squareforexl=square 

i have build dll using configuration manager settings set platform , active solution platform x64 64bit dll.

i have access dll functions through excel vba7. function in vba follows :

private declare ptrsafe function squareforexl lib "c:\math.dll" (byval x long) long  sub square()     dim b long     b = 5     dim c long     debug.print b     c = squareforexl(b)     debug.print "square : " & c  end sub 

while trying access dll function squareforexl() in code above, shows following error msgbox:

run time error '53':  file not found :"c:\math.dll" 

i have tried placing file in different location directories, in systems folder.

i have compiled , executed 32bit dll on in 32 bit version of office. question how can access dll functions 64 bit dll in 64 bit version of office ?


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