html - Comunication betwen two *.php -

i have login.php , register.php. in header.php can see loged user. can not find way how logout.

next server.php

                    if (isset($_get['logout'])){                      session_destroy();                      unset($_session['username']);                      header("location:homepage.php");                      } 

and next header.php have

        <!doctype html>            <?php include('server.php'); ?>             <?php if (isset($_session['username'])): ?>              <p> welcome <?php echo $_session['username']; ?></p>               <a href="homepage.php?logout='1'">logout</a>            <?php endif ?>            <?php if (!isset($_session['username'])): ?>              <p><?php echo "you not loged" ?></p>             <?php endif ?> 

and looking find way "you not loged". , no success.

what missing?

you passing lowercase 'logout' checking sentence case 'logout' in $_get['logout']

if (isset($_get['logout'])){    session_destroy();    unset($_session['username']);    header("location:homepage.php"); } 

also need session_start() in php files @riggsfolly suggested.


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