Convert lat,lon to xyz in awe.js -
can tell me how convert lat,lon xyz , show point of interest using awe.js in web browser
setting lat=x,lon=y ,z=0 (unknown) poi not appearing in correct direction
var locations=[ {lat:31.491104, lng:74.332338}, {lat:31.488433, lng:74.347187} ]; for(var i=0;i<locations.length;i++){ var l=locations[i]; var; var y=l.lng; var z=0;//unknown how find awe.pois.add({ id:'poi-'+i, position: { x:x, y:y, z:z } }); // add projections each of pois awe.projections.add({ id:'p-'+i, geometry:{ shape:'cube', x:20, y:20, z:20 }, rotation:{ x:20, y:20, z:0 }, material:{ type: 'phong', color:0xff0000, }, }, { poi_id: 'poi-'+i }); }
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