performance testing - How to get app-specific battery info on android 2.2.2? -

is possible device estimated power use value legacy format bug reports e.g. android v2.2.2? if so, please point me in direction of instructions? i've not been able find info doing on old versions of android on or elsewhere.

when use battery historian view bugreports eg android 7.0 can find info want @ app stats > misc summary > device estimated power use (i.e. values app battery percentage consumed & 

due cpu). client-side performance testing includes testing on samsung s3 mini ve. compared bug reports i've android 7.0 legacy version seems contain less info, , have no app-specific battery info.

when open bugreport.txt file in battery historian says "unsupported bug report version."

when convert legacy bugreport.txt .html file end message "legacy format detected; history information limited" @ top of resultant page, , no app-specific battery data.

viewing log file can't see obvious (which guess why battery historian created). perhaps data in there needs picked through using pids build picture of battery use - there easier way?


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