android - How to update the location data in a single row in the server(without getting the data duplicated)? -

whenever new location data getting saved in new row instead of existing row getting updated new data. how can achieve it? below code:

parseobject customerrequest = new parseobject("customerrequest"); parsegeopoint parsegeopoint = new parsegeopoint(mcurrentlocation.getlatitude(), mcurrentlocation.getlongitude()); parsequery<parseobject> query = parsequery.getquery("parsegeopoint"); customerrequest.put("location", parsegeopoint);  customerrequest.saveinbackground(new savecallback() {     @override     public void done(parseexception e) {        if (e == null) {            log.i("parse result", "successful!");        }     } ); 

in above code, directly put data using .put without removing existing data using .remove w.r.t. below line:

customerrequest.put("location", parsegeopoint); 

so, should add line customerrequest.remove("location"); before line customerrequest.put("location", parsegeopoint); in code. so, code like:

    parseobject customerrequest = new parseobject("customerrequest");     parsegeopoint parsegeopoint = new parsegeopoint(mcurrentlocation.getlatitude(), mcurrentlocation.getlongitude());     parsequery<parseobject> query = parsequery.getquery("parsegeopoint");     customerrequest.remove("location");     customerrequest.put("location", parsegeopoint);      customerrequest.saveinbackground(new savecallback() {     @override     public void done(parseexception e) {     if (e == null) {        log.i("parse result", "successful!");     }  }  ); 

and on server side, make sure don't use add command save data. should use addorupdate or addorreplace or saveorupdate command depending upon db use.


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