jersey - Map JAX-RS @PathParam to POJO Constructor With Annotations -

i want create endpoint has pathparam automatically calls constructor of object injected, has constructor of string argument. spell out in code:

here resource

@get @path("/{apiversion}" + "/item") public response version(@pathparam("apiversion") apiversion apiversion) {     return response.ok().build(); } 

i want string automatically used in call apiversion constructor. in apiversion class

public apiversion(string apiversion) {    this.versionstring = apiversion; } 

is possible access annotations? not have access resourceconfig.

yes, possible, without annotations other @pathparam, example you've given should work as-is. see (emphasis mine) :

in general java type of method parameter may:

  1. be primitive type;

  2. have constructor accepts single string argument;

  3. have static method named valueof or fromstring accepts single string argument (see, example, integer.valueof(string) , java.util.uuid.fromstring(string));

  4. have registered implementation of jax-rs extension spi returns instance capable of "from string" conversion type. or

  5. be list, set or sortedset, t satisfies 2 or 3 above. resulting collection read-only.


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