amazon web services - Custom redirection rules on S3 returns 403 when using CloudFront -

i have custom redirection rule bucket on s3:

<routingrules>   <routingrule>     <condition>       <keyprefixequals/>       <httperrorcodereturnedequals>404</httperrorcodereturnedequals>     </condition>     <redirect>       <protocol>https</protocol>       <hostname></hostname>       <replacekeyprefixwith>services/create?key=</replacekeyprefixwith>       <httpredirectcode>307</httpredirectcode>     </redirect>   </routingrule> </routingrules> 

and bucket has proper policy:

{     "version": "2008-10-17",     "statement": [         {             "sid": "publicreadforgetbucketobjects",             "effect": "allow",             "principal": {                 "aws": "*"             },             "action": "s3:getobject",             "resource": "*"         }     ] } 

this works fine when access via internal url , redirects me other server properly.

however, doesn't work cloudfront setup. when try access directly (, receive 403 accessdenied.

apparently, when using default s3 bucket origin - won't respect redirection rules.

by default, tries use:, should force custom origin: instead.

once forced it, started work.


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