java - Unable to import project in eclipse: "Impossible to find or load the main class" -

i've imported this project on eclipse workspace. after time spent find correct jar dependencies, i've tried run project, says me it's impossible find or load main class.

to import project, downloaded , imported on eclipse using file -> import. there problems dependencies (there classes eclipse couldn't find), downloaded jars of these dependencies , included in project.

this code of mainclass:

package com.yeokhengmeng.docstopdfconverter; import; import; import; import; import; import; import;  import org.kohsuke.args4j.cmdlineexception; import org.kohsuke.args4j.cmdlineparser; import org.kohsuke.args4j.option;    public class mainclass{       public static final string version_string = "\ndocs pdf converter version 1.7 (8 dec 2013)\n\nthe mit license (mit)\ncopyright (c) 2013-2014 yeo kheng meng";     public enum doc_type {         doc,         docx,         ppt,         pptx,         odt     }      public static void main(string[] args){         converter converter;          try{             converter = processarguments(args);         } catch (exception e){             system.out.println("\n\ninput\\output file not specified properly.");             return;         }           if(converter == null){             system.out.println("unable determine type of input file.");         } else {             try {                 converter.convert();             } catch (exception e) {                 e.printstacktrace();             }         }      }       public static converter processarguments(string[] args) throws exception{         commandlinevalues values = new commandlinevalues();         cmdlineparser parser = new cmdlineparser(values);          converter converter = null;         try {             parser.parseargument(args);              boolean version = values.version;              if(version){                 system.out.println(version_string);                 system.exit(0);             }               string inpath = values.infilepath;             string outpath = values.outfilepath;             boolean shouldshowmessages = values.verbose;               if(inpath == null){                 parser.printusage(system.err);                 throw new illegalargumentexception();             }              if(outpath == null){                 outpath = changeextensiontopdf(inpath);             }               string lowercaseinpath = inpath.tolowercase();              inputstream instream = getinfilestream(inpath);             outputstream outstream = getoutfilestream(outpath);              if(values.type == null){                 if(lowercaseinpath.endswith("doc")){                     converter = new doctopdfconverter(instream, outstream, shouldshowmessages, true);                 } else if (lowercaseinpath.endswith("docx")){                     converter = new docxtopdfconverter(instream, outstream, shouldshowmessages, true);                 } else if(lowercaseinpath.endswith("ppt")){                     converter = new ppttopdfconverter(instream, outstream, shouldshowmessages, true);                 } else if(lowercaseinpath.endswith("pptx")){                     converter = new pptxtopdfconverter(instream, outstream, shouldshowmessages, true);                 } else if(lowercaseinpath.endswith("odt")){                     converter = new odttopdf(instream, outstream, shouldshowmessages, true);                 } else {                     converter = null;                 }               } else {                  switch(values.type){                 case doc: converter = new doctopdfconverter(instream, outstream, shouldshowmessages, true);                 break;                  case docx: converter = new docxtopdfconverter(instream, outstream, shouldshowmessages, true);                 break;                 case ppt:  converter = new ppttopdfconverter(instream, outstream, shouldshowmessages, true);                 break;                 case pptx: converter = new pptxtopdfconverter(instream, outstream, shouldshowmessages, true);                 break;                 case odt: converter = new odttopdf(instream, outstream, shouldshowmessages, true);                 break;                 default: converter = null;                 break;                  }               }          } catch (cmdlineexception e) {             // handling of wrong arguments             system.err.println(e.getmessage());             parser.printusage(system.err);         }          return converter;      }       public static class commandlinevalues {          @option(name = "-type", aliases = "-t", required = false, usage = "specifies doc converter. leave blank let program decide input extension.")         public doc_type type = null;           @option(name = "-inputpath", aliases = {"-i", "-in", "-input"}, required = false,  metavar = "<path>",                 usage = "specifies path input file.")         public string infilepath = null;           @option(name = "-outputpath", aliases = {"-o", "-out", "-output"}, required = false, metavar = "<path>",                 usage = "specifies path output pdf.")         public string outfilepath = null;          @option(name = "-verbose", aliases = {"-v"}, required = false, usage = "to see intermediate processing messages.")         public boolean verbose = false;          @option(name = "-version", aliases = {"-ver"}, required = false, usage = "to view version code.")         public boolean version = false;       }      //from     public static string changeextensiontopdf(string originalpath) {  //      string separator = system.getproperty("file.separator");         string filename = originalpath;  //      // remove path upto filename. //      int lastseparatorindex = originalpath.lastindexof(separator); //      if (lastseparatorindex == -1) { //          filename = originalpath; //      } else { //          filename = originalpath.substring(lastseparatorindex + 1); //      }          // remove extension.         int extensionindex = filename.lastindexof(".");          string removedextension;         if (extensionindex == -1){             removedextension =  filename;         } else {             removedextension =  filename.substring(0, extensionindex);         }         string addpdfextension = removedextension + ".pdf";          return addpdfextension;     }       protected static inputstream getinfilestream(string inputfilepath) throws filenotfoundexception{         file infile = new file(inputfilepath);         fileinputstream istream = new fileinputstream(infile);         return istream;     }      protected static outputstream getoutfilestream(string outputfilepath) throws ioexception{         file outfile = new file(outputfilepath);          try{             //make directories specified             outfile.getparentfile().mkdirs();         } catch (nullpointerexception e){             //ignore error since means not parent directories         }          outfile.createnewfile();         fileoutputstream ostream = new fileoutputstream(outfile);         return ostream;     } } 

there error in class, neither in other classes of project.

because never included class in packaged jar.

as project uses maven. can see dependencies (jars) available in pom.xml.

just import project maven ide.

mvn clean install 

sample output running eclipse or normal maven repl :

-------------------------------------------------------  t e s t s -------------------------------------------------------  results :  tests run: 0, failures: 0, errors: 0, skipped: 0  [info] [info] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.3.2:jar (default-jar) @ docs-to-pdf-converter --- [info] building jar: /home/docs-to-pdf-converter/target/docs-to-pdf-converter-1.8.jar [info] [info] --- maven-install-plugin:2.3.1:install (default-install) @ docs-to-pdf-converter --- [info] installing /home/docs-to-pdf-converter/target/docs-to-pdf-converter-1.8.jar /home/**/.m2/repository/docs-to-pdf-converter/docs-to-pdf-converter/1.8/docs-to-pdf-converter-1.8.jar [info] installing /home/docs-to-pdf-converter/pom.xml /home/**/.m2/repository/docs-to-pdf-converter/docs-to-pdf-converter/1.8/docs-to-pdf-converter-1.8.pom [info] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [info] build success [info] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [info] total time: 2.346s [info] finished at: fri aug 18 06:18:31 edt 2017 [info] final memory: 23m/475m [info] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 

my environment :

java : 1.8.0_141 , maven : apache maven 3.0.5 


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