c# - Create table inside aspx file -
i want create button line in page. should code below in html.
<tr> <td></td> <td></td> </tr>
however, using c# , aspx file. here aspx interface code:
<%@ page language="c#" async="true" autoeventwireup="true" codefile="translator2.aspx.cs" masterpagefile="~/site.master" inherits="translator2" %> <asp:content runat="server" id="bodycontent" contentplaceholderid="maincontent"> <html></html> <div class="form-group"> <asp:label runat="server" associatedcontrolid="english" id="enlabel" cssclass="col-md-2 control-label">english</asp:label> <div class="col-md-10"> <asp:textbox height="79px" textmode="multiline" width="452px" runat="server" id="english" cssclass="form-control" /> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-offset-2 col-md-10"> <asp:button runat="server" height="39px" width="100px" onclick="detect" text="detect" cssclass="btn btn-default" /> </div> </asp:content>
i trying put html tag inside asp content there error:
"validation(html5) element html cant nested within element
and if put outside asp content there`s error:
"validation(html5) content not supported outside
or asp:content regions"
my question is, can create <table>, <td>, <tr>
,etc in aspx file? because seems not supported html tag.
i still new in asp , c#, please give me insight!
remove <html>
tag code, don't need here.
and can use table class
<asp:table id="table1" runat="server"> <asp:tablerow> <asp:tablecell> row 0, col 0 </asp:tablecell> </asp:tablerow> <asp:tablerow> <asp:tablecell> row 1, col 0 </asp:tablecell> </asp:tablerow> </asp:table>
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