css confusing media queries -

i using snippet of code:

 @media screen      , (min-width: 1280px)     , (max-width: 1365px)      , (min-height: 768px)      , (max-height: 800px) {     #titlecontainer{         width:100%;         min-height:94.55px;         max-height:94.55px;         background-color:#333333;         display:flex;     } } 

but when see in google developer tools in 1280x800, displayed following:

 @media screen     , (min-width: 1366px)     , (max-width: 2047px)     , (min-height : 1024px)     , (orientation:landscape) {     #titlecontainer{         width:440px;         min-height:94.55px;         max-height:94.55px;         background-color:#333333;         display:flex;     } } 

what doing wrong?


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