html - How I can mute audio from iframe? -

i'm creating tribute page (for elon musk , wanted include game page via attribute. possible mute autoplay audio? page url: game: here code it:

<iframe src="" width="1000px" height="1000px">   <p>sorry, browser not support game</p> </iframe> 

if can use sachin's solution, go it, i'm pretty sure works media elements, audio , video elements, last checked (spec). things change fast, maybe you're in luck.

if can't change @ iframe level, you're going run cross origin issues. if can control headers of app you're embedding, x-frame-origins friend. if use header loosen restrictions on game's original page, javascript need this:

var iframe = document.queryselector('iframe[src=""]');  // code tidied up, depending on how familiar game code  iframe.contentdocument.getelementbyid("muted").checked = true;  iframe.contentwindow.speaker[0].muted = true  iframe.contentwindow.speaker[1].muted = true

if, however, you're not lucky, same origin policy might have beat. in case, i'd suggest making div , replacing iframe when click "play" (excuse lazy css in snippet): example. gives added bonus of not loading content before user wants (which performance / mobile browsers).

good luck!


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