javascript - Changing the ref_id of a url to deliver tailor-made video content to users. Brightcove advanced embed code + Idomoo logic -

hello wise , helpful people of stackoverflow. using combination of brightcove video player , sample code below third-party company supposed use with. main concept of trying achieve ability deliver tailor-made video content specific users changing ref_id of video on url. have received sample code , instructions still not sure how go this. appreciate , insights can think great project that's pretty cool in opinion. need find out how change ref_id of url different video can played.

    <!doctype html> <html>  <head>     <meta charset="utf8">      <!-- bootstrap plugin & jquery plugin -->     <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/bootstrap.css">     <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">      <script type="text/javascript" src="js/bootstrap.js"></script>     <!--<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>-->     <script src="" integrity="sha256-hwg4gsxgfzhoseeamdoygbf13fyquitwlaqgxvsngt4=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="jquery/js/jquery-3.2.0.min.js"></script>       <title>landing-page</title>   </head>  <body> <div class="title">     <h1>lp sample</h1> </div>  <!-- video tag --> <div class="video-container">     <video id="myplayer"            crossorigin            data-account="5387496927001"            data-player="s1wpvbfwlw"            data-embed="default"            data-application-id            class="video-js" controls            autoplay            width="1280"            height="720">     </video>       <!--end video tag -->     <br/>     <!--link buttons-->     <div class="link">         <a id="movie2" href="javascript:" onclick="changevideo()">turn on audio description</a>         <a id="movie1" href="javascript:" onclick="openvideo()">turn off audio description</a>     </div>     <!--end link buttons-->     <div class="button">         <button id="get-btn" type="button" class="btn btn-default">click here</button>     </div>      <!--player script-->     <script src="//"></script> </div> </body> <script>       /**      * function gets id of video url (the hashid refid of video)      * */     function getparameterbyname(hashid) {         var url = window.location.href;          hashid = hashid.replace(/[\[\]]/g, "\\$&");         var regex = new regexp("[?&]" + hashid + "(=([^&#]*)|&|#|$)"),             results = regex.exec(url);         if (!results) return null;         if (!results[2]) return '';         return decodeuricomponent(results[2].replace(/\+/g, " "));     }       /**      * url query contain accountid/statsid/clipid (have in format)      * refid = url query      * hashonly = clipid      * */     var refid = getparameterbyname('ref_id');     var params = refid.split("/");     var hashonly = params[2];     var count = 0;      var myplayer;     var srcpath;     var option;     var on;     var off;     var ison = false;     var stats = "";       /**      * when player load video object reference video 0000(have set ref video " 0000" in brightcove site)      * src value remote assets source set in brightcove site.      * srcpth value path before "0000/" (have include "0000/")      * function set new video in player.      * */     videojs("myplayer").ready(function () {         myplayer = this;           //set video on start         myplayer.catalog.getvideo("ref:0000", function (error, video) {              myplayer.catalog.load(video);              //get path             var src = video.sources[0].src;             srcpath = src.substring(0, src.indexof("0000/"));     = "";              //set poster img have in same path , same name             myplayer.poster(srcpath + refid + ".jpg");              //diplay cc button             myplayer.mediainfo.texttracks = [                 {                      "src": srcpath + refid + "_en.vtt",                     "srclang": "en",                     "label": "en",                     "kind": "captions",                     "mime_type": "text/vtt"                 }             ];               option =                 {                      kind: "captions",                     label: "en",                     language: "en",                     src: srcpath + refid + "_en.vtt"                 };             //delete texttracks             var oldtracks = myplayer.remotetexttracks();             var = oldtracks.length;             while (i--) {                 myplayer.removeremotetexttrack(oldtracks[i]);             }             ;              //add caption object(option)             myplayer.addremotetexttrack(option, true);               myplayer.src({"type": "video/mp4", "src": srcpath + refid + ".mp4"});   ;         });     });      /**      * open video function --> loads main video (without descriptive audio) player      */     function openvideo() {         //remove older caption , set new 1         var oldtracks = myplayer.remotetexttracks();         var = oldtracks.length;         while (i--) {             myplayer.removeremotetexttrack(oldtracks[i]);         }         ;           off =             {                  kind: "captions",                 label: "en",                 language: "en",                 src: srcpath + refid + "_en.vtt"             };          myplayer.addremotetexttrack(off, true);          myplayer.src({"type": "video/mp4", "src": srcpath + refid + ".mp4"});;          count = 0;         $("#movie1").hide();         $("#movie2").show();         ison = false;         $("button.vjs-caption-toggle-control.vjs-icon-captions.vjs-control").removeclass("vjs-selected");     }      /**      * change video function --> loads video refid + "da"      * refid + "da" descriptive audio video version of main audio      */     function changevideo() {         //remove older caption , set new 1         var oldtracks = myplayer.remotetexttracks();         var = oldtracks.length;         while (i--) {             myplayer.removeremotetexttrack(oldtracks[i]);         }         ;          on =             {                  kind: "captions",                 label: "en",                 language: "en",                 src: srcpath + refid + "da_en.vtt"             };          myplayer.addremotetexttrack(on, true);           myplayer.src({"type": "video/mp4", "src": srcpath + refid + "da.mp4"});;           count = 0;         $("#movie2").hide();         $("#movie1").show();         ison = true;         $("button.vjs-caption-toggle-control.vjs-icon-captions.vjs-control").removeclass("vjs-selected");      }       /**      * function run until srcpath value video object brightcove      * , set in href attribute in transcript.      * transcript html have in same bucket , same name of clipid      */     function waitforsrcpath() {         if (srcpath == null) {             settimeout(waitforsrcpath, 50);             return;         }     }      var isfinished = false;     var stopinterval;     /**      *  send request idomoo analytics every 10 percent start @ 0 until 100      */     function analyticsvideohandle() {         var currenttime = myplayer.currenttime();         var videotime = myplayer.duration();           var timepercent = currenttime / videotime;         var timetemp = math.ceil(timepercent * 10) * 10;         timetemp = timetemp - 10;          if (count != 0 && count <= timetemp) {             count = timetemp;         }          var rawtimetemp = timepercent * 100;         rawtimetemp = math.floor(rawtimetemp);           if (ison) {             if (((math.floor(rawtimetemp) === timetemp && count === timetemp) || timepercent === 1) && !isfinished) {                 if (timepercent != 1) {                     count = count + 10;                     $.ajax({                         'url': 'https://' + stats + '/?pid=' + params[0] + '&eiid=' + params[1] + '&eid=' + hashonly + 'da&atype=0&cvprogress=' + timetemp,                         'type': 'get'                     });                 } else {                     $.ajax({                         'url': 'https://' + stats + '/?pid=' + params[0] + '&eiid=' + params[1] + '&eid=' + hashonly + 'da&atype=0&cvprogress=' + 100,                         'type': 'get'                     });                     isfinished = true;                     if (stop != null) {                          clearinterval(stopinterval);                     }                     return;                  }             }         } else {             if (((math.floor(rawtimetemp) === timetemp && count === timetemp) || timepercent === 1) && !isfinished) {                 if (timepercent != 1) {                     count = count + 10;                     $.ajax({                         'url': 'https://' + stats + '/?pid=' + params[0] + '&eiid=' + params[1] + '&eid=' + hashonly + '&atype=0&cvprogress=' + timetemp,                         'type': 'get'                     });                 } else {                     $.ajax({                         'url': 'https://' + stats + '/?pid=' + params[0] + '&eiid=' + params[1] + '&eid=' + hashonly + '&atype=0&cvprogress=' + 100,                         'type': 'get'                     });                     isfinished = true;                     if (stop != null) {                          clearinterval(stopinterval);                     }                     return;                  }             }         }     }      /**      * send request idomoo analytics when landing page load      */     function analyticsonload() {         $.ajax({             'url': 'https://' + stats + '/?pid=' + params[0] + '&eiid=' + params[1] + '&eid=' + hashonly + '&atype=1&cfatype=1&landingpagevisited=' + window.location.href.split('?')[0],             'type': 'get'         });     }      /**      * when click on button "click here" send request idomoo analytics      */     function analyticsonclick() {         $("#get-btn").click(function () {             $.ajax({                 'url': 'https://' + stats + '/?pid=' + params[0] + '&eiid=' + params[1] + '&eid=' + hashonly + '&atype=1&cfatype=1&ccfan=clickhere',                 'type': 'get'             });         });     }      /**      * set player attribute "data-customguid"      * run function analyticsvideohandle() every 50 milliseconds check every change in video time until video finish      */     $(document).ready(function () {         waitforsrcpath();         $("#myplayer").attr("data-customguid", "ref:" + refid);         analyticsonload();         analyticsonclick();         stopinterval = setinterval(function () {             analyticsvideohandle();         }, 100);       });   </script>  </html> 


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