database - syntax error at or near "=" -

the error syntax error @ or near "=",namely if trans1.trans_type = '2' pkg_util_bd_logistics_convertopcode(trans1.trans_type,trans1.remark, trans1.std_id).the function pkg_util_bd_logistics_convertopcode there.the code migrated ora2pg.can help?

create or replace function bz_data_processer_bindsftransdatatoso () returns  void $body$ declare      v_soid                     bigint;     v_shopid                   bigint;     v_socode                   varchar(50);     v_outerordercode           varchar(200);     v_ordercategory            t_so_distinect_trans_head.order_category%type := 0;     v_headcount                bigint := 0;     v_detailcount              bigint := 0;     v_distincttransheadcount   bigint := 0;     v_distincttransdetailcount bigint := 0;     v_acceptimecount           bigint := 0;     v_distincttransheadid      bigint;     v_sltheadid                bigint;     v_createtimebefore         timestamp := clock_timestamp() - interval '30 days';     trans1 record;   trans record;  begin     trans1 in (select std_temp1.trans_type,                           std_temp1.tracking_no,                           std_temp1.order_id,                           std_temp1.std_id,                           std_temp1.accept_time,                           std_temp1.accept_address,                           std_temp1.remark,                           std_temp1.op_code,                           std_temp1.root_id,                           std_temp1.source,                           std_temp1.batch_no,                           std_temp1.signer                       (select st.trans_type,                                   st.mailno          tracking_no,                                   st.orderid         order_id,                                      std_id,                                   std.accept_time,                                   std.accept_address,                                   std.remark,                                   std.op_code,                                   std.root_id,                                   std.source,                                   std.batch_no,                                   std.signer                              t_mq_so_trans st, t_mq_so_trans_detail std                    = std.so_trans_id                               , std.is_synch = 0                               , st.trans_type in (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8)                               , st.create_time between v_createtimebefore ,                                   clock_timestamp()                               , std.create_time between v_createtimebefore ,                                   clock_timestamp()                             order asc) std_temp1  limit 99999)              loop        if trans1.trans_type = '2'       pkg_util_bd_logistics_convertopcode(trans1.trans_type,                                             trans1.remark,                                             trans1.std_id);       end if;     end loop;      trans in (select std_temp2.trans_type,                           std_temp2.tracking_no,                           std_temp2.order_id,                           std_temp2.std_id,                           std_temp2.accept_time,                           std_temp2.accept_address,                           std_temp2.remark,                           std_temp2.op_code,                           std_temp2.root_id,                           std_temp2.source,                           std_temp2.batch_no,                           std_temp2.signer                       (select st.trans_type,                                   st.mailno          tracking_no,                                   st.orderid         order_id,                                      std_id,                                   std.accept_time,                                   std.accept_address,                                   std.remark,                                   std.op_code,                                   std.root_id,                                   std.source,                                   std.batch_no,                                   std.signer                              t_mq_so_trans st, t_mq_so_trans_detail std                    = std.so_trans_id                               , std.is_synch = 0                               , st.trans_type in (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8)                               , st.create_time between v_createtimebefore ,                                   clock_timestamp()                               , std.create_time between v_createtimebefore ,                                   clock_timestamp()                             order asc) std_temp2  limit 99999) loop       v_soid           := 0;       v_ordercategory  := 0;       v_shopid         := null;       v_socode         := null;       v_outerordercode := null;       begin         select, so.shop_id, so.code, so.outer_order_code           strict  v_soid, v_shopid, v_socode, v_outerordercode           t_so_tb_delivery_info tbi, t_so_sales_order          tbi.so_id =            , tbi.trans_code = trans.tracking_no limit 1 offset 0;        exception         when no_data_found           dbms_output.put_line $body$ language plpgsql security definer ; 

in plpgsql function cannot stand on own. need perform before pkg_util_bd_logistics_convertopcode( ... );

there may more problems ...


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