while submitting large files using jquery ajax all input fields get empty on server site php -

i trying send large files server using jquery ajax , formdata. data received if send 7 files 1 mb each, if try send 10 files @ time input field received on server site empty, though input send server. following code file upload.

//php code public function multipleupload()     {         $title = $_post["title"];         $property_id = $_post["propertyid"];         $userid = $_post["userid"];         $albumid = $_post["albumid"];         $profileid = $_post["profile_id"];          if($albumid == "") {             $album = new album;             $album->title = $title;              $album->property_id = $property_id;             $album->user_id = $userid;             $album->profile_id = $profileid;             $album->save();              $albumid = $album->id;             $userid = $album->user_id;             $folder = str_replace(" ","-",$title. '-' . date("y-m-d_his"));             if(!is_dir('uploads/album/'. $folder) || (!is_dir('uploads/album/'. $folder . "/original") && !is_dir('uploads/album/'. $folder . "/thumb"))) {                 mkdir('uploads/album/'. $folder);                 mkdir('uploads/album/'. $folder. "/original");                 mkdir('uploads/album/'. $folder. "/thumb");             }         }         else {             $album = db::table("photo_album")->select('*')->where('album_id', '=', $albumid)->orderby('id','desc')->first();             $folder = $album->file_path;              $album = album::findorfail($albumid);             $album->update(['title' => $title]);              $albumid = $album->id;         }         $filecount = count($_files["finalfiles"]['name']);         $photos = array();         for($i=0; $i < $filecount; $i++) {         if($_post["rmimage"] == "" || !in_array($i,explode(",",$_post["rmimage"]))) {         $imgfile = str_replace(" ","-",pathinfo($_files["finalfiles"]['name'][$i], pathinfo_filename))."-".date("y-m-d_his").".".pathinfo($_files["finalfiles"]['name'][$i], pathinfo_extension);             $target_original_path = 'uploads/album/'. $folder . '/original/' . $imgfile;         $target_thumb_path = 'uploads/album/'. $folder . '/thumb/' . $imgfile;         if(move_uploaded_file($_files['finalfiles']['tmp_name'][$i], $target_original_path))         {             $imagine = new imagine\gd\imagine();              $mode    = imagine\image\imageinterface::thumbnail_inset;              $thumb_size    = new imagine\image\box(100, 100);              $imagine->open($target_original_path)                 ->thumbnail($thumb_size, $mode)                 ->save($target_thumb_path);              $size    = new imagine\image\box(650, 350);              $imagine->open($target_original_path)                 ->thumbnail($size, $mode)                 ->save($target_original_path);                  $filename = $_files["finalfiles"]["name"][$i];                 //$album = album::where('user_id','=',$userid)->orderby('created_at','desc')->first();                 $photo_details = ['album_id' => $albumid,                                    'property_id' => $property_id,                                    'file_name' => $filename,                                    'created_by' => $userid,                                    'updated_by' => $userid,                                    'url' => url::to('/').'/'.$target_original_path,                                    'thumb_url' => url::to('/').'/'.$target_thumb_path,                                    'file_path' => $folder];                 array_push($photos, $photo_details);         }         else         {             echo '{"status":"failure","response":[],"message":"failed upload property image."}';             $status = "failure";          }         }          }        if(count($photos) > 0) {          $albumphoto = photoalbum::insert($photos);       } }    //jquery code $("#photoalbum").click(function() {       if($("#title").val() == '') {        $(".error-title").show();        $(".error-photo").hide();       }       else {         if($("#preview-area ul li").size() == 0) {             $(".error-title").hide();             $(".error-photo").show();         }         else {             $("#photoalbum").attr("disabled", true);             var form = $('form')[0]; // need use standart javascript object here             var formdata = new formdata(form);             $.ajax({               url: "api/multipleupload",               type: "post",               data: formdata,               cache: false,               contenttype: false,               processdata: false,                success: function(result){                 $state.go('albums',{propertyid:  $scope.propertyid});                 toastr.success('album has been added successfully.');               }             });         }       }     }); 

in past have experienced issues uploading files using jquery ajax , formdata weird outputs in server side (my question).

what solved problem avoiding jquery , take more vanilla approach using xmlhttprequest() so:

function save(action){     var formelement = document.getelementbyid("form");     var formdata = new formdata(formelement);     formdata.append('_token', $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content'));      var request = new xmlhttprequest();     request.open("post", "{{url('myurl')}}");     request.send(formdata);      request.onload = function(oevent) {       if (request.status == 200) {         toastr.success('yai! saved successfully!');       } else {         toastr.error('oh oh! went wrong!');       }       $( "#form-wrapper" ).toggleclass( "be-loading-active" );     }; } 

and in controller access files in request object:

public function store(request $request) {     dd($request->nameofinput); } 

also, people suggested in comments, if handling large files make sure php parameters configured accordingly in php.ini.

hope helps you.


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