r - Reactive dataframe with sortable columns order -

in shiny app, user can choose dataset, 1 displayed , user can sort order of columns (thanks shinyjqui):

library(shiny) library(shinyjqui) library(googlevis)  ui <- shinyui(fluidpage(   sidebarlayout(     sidebarpanel(       selectinput("dataset", "select dataset",                    choices = c("iris", "mtcars")),        uioutput("sortable")     ),     #     mainpanel(       htmloutput("gvtable")     )   ) ))  server <- shinyserver(function(input, output) {    dat <- reactive({     switch(input$dataset,             iris = iris,             mtcars = mtcars)   })    output$sortable <- renderui({     jqui_sortabled(       do.call(function(...) tags$ul(id="list", ...),                lapply(colnames(dat()), function(col) tags$li(col)))      )   })    output$gvtable <- rendergvis({     validate(need(input$list_order, message=false))     if(all(input$list_order[["html"]] %in% names(dat()))){       colorder <- input$list_order[["html"]]     }else{       colorder <- names(dat())     }     gvistable(dat()[, colorder],                options = list(                 gvis.editor="edit me!",                  page="enable")     )   })  })  runapp(list(ui=ui, server=server)) 

this works fine when run app: iris dataset displayed , can play columns order (the list of columns in sidebar sortable):

enter image description here

but when choose other dataset, list of columns not sortable. why , how fix that?

this works using different id sortable list:

  randomid <- eventreactive(dat(), {     paste0("list", rpois(1, 1000))   })    output$sortable <- renderui({     jqui_sortabled(       do.call(function(...) tags$ul(id=randomid(), ...),                lapply(colnames(dat()), function(col) tags$li(col)))      )   })    output$gvtable <- rendergvis({     validate(need(input[[paste0(randomid(), "_order")]], message=false))     columns <- input[[paste0(randomid(), "_order")]][["html"]]     if(all(columns %in% names(dat()))){       colorder <- columns     }else{       colorder <- names(dat())     }     gvistable(dat()[, colorder],                options = list(                 gvis.editor="edit me!",                  page="enable")     )   }) 


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