nginx - uwsgi in docker in vagrant in vmware - socket not being created -

on mac running windows server 2016 in vmware. in there running ubuntu in vagrant/virtual box. in there trying run django app in docker container nginx/uwsgi.

uwsgi failing start with:

[uwsgi] getting ini configuration /opt/django/capgraph/uwsgi.ini *** starting uwsgi 2.0.15 (64bit) on [thu aug 17 20:01:23 2017] *** compiled version: 6.4.0 20170805 on 17 august 2017 06:10:50 os: linux-3.13.0-128-generic #177-ubuntu smp tue aug 8 11:40:23 utc 2017 nodename: 37db4344b5ae machine: x86_64 clock source: unix pcre jit disabled detected number of cpu cores: 1 current working directory: / detected binary path: /usr/local/bin/uwsgi uwsgi running root, can use --uid/--gid/--chroot options *** warning: running uwsgi root !!! (use --uid flag) *** chdir() /opt/django/capgraph/ memory page size 4096 bytes detected max file descriptor number: 524288 lock engine: pthread robust mutexes thunder lock: disabled (you can enable --thunder-lock) bind(): operation not permitted [core/socket.c line 230]  

in vmware folder set sharing write permission. mounted in vagrant vm 777, , in docker container 777. can create files in dir 3 places. seems uwsgi cannot create socket.

i tried short python script test vagrant , not create socket either:

vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64:/vagrant$ python -c "import socket s; sock = s.socket(s.af_unix); sock.bind('/vagrant/app.sock')" traceback (most recent call last):   file "<string>", line 1, in <module>   file "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 224, in meth     return getattr(self._sock,name)(*args) socket.error: [errno 1] operation not permitted 

anyone know how can resolve this?

update: changed dir /tmp can create socket python script, still uwsgi fails same error.

update 2: created socket in /tmp python script, chmod-ed 777 , still same error uwsgi.

use other folder other /vagrant. use /home/vagrant

the problem /vagrant not same normal folder. if execute command mount | grep vagrant find uses vboxfs file system, reason doesn't gel docker


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