android - Get Intent from intent-filter with WebIntent Native Plugin -

i’m working ionic native plugin web intent, , want android intent , use media file or local url in app. androidmanifest.xml it’s ok, , can see myapp option share or pick image.

<action android:name="android.intent.action.pick"/>  <action android:name="android.intent.action.send"/> <action android:name="android.intent.action.send_multiple"/> <category android:name="android.intent.category.default"/> <data android:mimetype="image/*"/> 

but i’m locked trying intent in app.

i try use [] native plugin, i’m getting response error “plugin_not_installed”.

constructor(private _platform: platform,         private _webintent: webintent     ) {     }  ...  ionviewdidload() {      this._platform.ready().then(() => {              this._webintent.getintent().then((data: any) => {                 // use data intent             }).catch((error:any) => console.log(error));         }); } 

debugging android version 5.0.1.

if can me! appreciate!

obs.: read, , don’t see resolution there.


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