C# WPF multi-project compilation error : cannot locate ressource MainWindow.xaml -

i have wpf application divide multiple projects on visual studio. compilation , application used worked fine until split app.xaml , other .xaml files 2 different projects. specification forced me proceed way need find solution issue.

now have error on start-up (either in debug mode in release) :

an exception not managed 'system.io.ioexception'

occurred in presentationframework.dll

additional information:

cannot locate resource ' codeeditorviews/mainwindowview.xaml '.

(note error message translation french , may not match real error message in english)

here's solution structure :

  • codeeditorguiapp (project)
    • app.config
    • app.xaml
    • app.xaml.cs
  • codeeditorviews (project)
    • mainwindowview.xaml
    • mainwindowview.xaml.cs
    • other .xaml files

here's folder division on project in explorer (in parenthesis info, not part of folder name) :

myapp (solution root folder)

  • myapp.sln
  • codeeditorguiapp (corresponding project folder)
    • codeeditorguiapp.csproj
    • app.xaml
    • app.xaml.cs
    • ...
  • codeeditorviews (corresponding project folder)
    • codeeditorviews.csproj
    • mainwindowview.xaml
    • mainwindowview.xaml.cs
    • ...
  • ...

here's startupuri of app.xaml :


general information solution :

- codeeditorguiapp project have reference codeeditorviews project - there's 1 namespace common entire solution : "codeeditor" - .xaml files have generation action property defnied "page", except app.xaml set "applicationdefinition" - "codeeditorguiapp" project solution startup project. other project set assembly libraries. - codeeditorview project include avalonedit nugget package. again, working fine before splitting in multiple projects. 

i try recreate file/project, delete references, adding again, restart vs had read on similar subjects without breakthrough.

any idea welcome (note won't able test solution during week end).


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