Batch Script to find a files inside all Sub Folders -
i have multiple images in sub folder, don't know how many folders there. want batch script find listed names in folders , copy images destination folder. tried below script getting file not found error.
@echo off rem find files , copy files setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion set "sourcebasefolder=d:\system backup\picture batch file\test\15oct2015" set "targetbasefolder=c:\outputfolder" if not exist "%sourcebasefolder%\*" ( echo %~nx0: there no folder %sourcebasefolder% set "errorcount=1" goto haltonerror ) cd /d "%sourcebasefolder%" if not exist "filenames.txt" ( echo %~nx0: there no file %sourcebasefolder%\filenames.txt set "errorcount=1" goto haltonerror ) set "errorcount=0" /f "usebackq delims=" %%n in ("filenames.txt") ( /r %%j in ("%%n*") ( set "filepath=%%~dpj" if "!filepath:%targetbasefolder%=!" == "!filepath!" ( set "targetpath=%targetbasefolder%\!filepath:%sourcebasefolder%\=!" md "!targetpath!" 2>nul if exist "!targetpath!\*" ( echo copying file %%~fj copy /y "%%~fj" "!targetpath!" >nul ) else ( set /a errorcount+=1 echo failed create directory !targetpath! ) ) ) ) :haltonerror if %errorcount% neq 0 ( echo. pause ) endlocal
can 1 fix problem? in advance.
the solution you're trying work seems excessively convoluted
i believe similar following should want
for /f %%g in ('dir /a-d /s /b "d:\system backup\picture batch file\test\15oct2015"^|findstr /i /e /g:"d:\system backup\picture batch file\test\15oct2015\filenames.txt"') ( copy "%%g" "c:\outputfolder" )
to ensure filename matches exact, filenames in filenames.txt should preceded backslash, e.g.
\filename1.file \filename2.file
you can generate such file within batch file, if necessary
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