java - Casting return type from interface -

i making lrucache app. i've got interface. cannot change it. implements methods , don't know how return cache instead of interface type.

in method getitem() instead of returning specific value can return whole map.

public class lrucache<k, v> extends linkedhashmap<k, v> implements cache view{  private static final long serialversionuid = 1l; private int limiter; private lrucache<string, object> lruinst;    private lrucache(int size) {     super(size, 0.75f, true);     this.limiter = size; }   @override protected boolean removeeldestentry(map.entry<k, v> eldest) {     return size() > limiter; }  public static<string,object> lrucache<string,object> newinstance(int size) {     return new lrucache<>(size); } @override     public cacheitem getitem(int index) {      list<string> keylist = new arraylist<string>(lruinst.keyset());     (int = 0; < lruinst.size(); i++) {         string key = keylist.get(i);         object value = lruinst.get(key);         if (i == index) {             system.out.println("z indexu "+value);             return lruinst;         }     }     return null; }//this not work, return map  @override public cacheitem getitem(string key) {     string aa = lruinst.get(key).tostring();      system.out.println(aa);      return  (cacheitem) lruinst.getvalue(); }//this not work    public interface cacheview {   cacheitem getitem(int index);  cacheitem getitem(string key); 


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