php MongoDB\Driver\Manager not found when executing Symfony command -

ok, have project mongo connection works fine when viewing pages etc. when try load manage class in command (containerawarecommand) class not found exception:

attempted load class "manager" namespace "mongodb\driver".
did forget "use" statement namespace?

i'm using symfony 3.2

here's do:

class testcommand extends containerawarecommand {    protected function configure() {       $this->setname('testcommand:test')         ->setdescription('test...')         ->sethelp('test...');    }   protected function execute(inputinterface $input, outputinterface   $output) {     $db = new manager("mongodb://localhost:27017");     $output->writeln([         'test',         '========================',         '',     ]);   }  } 

i import driver with:

use mongodb\driver\manager; 

phpstorm recognizes import.

any ideas stops class loading? once again, loads when navigate pages etc.


update (as requested) !

registered service:

services:   test.service:     class: appbundle\test\testservice     public: true 

the service:

namespace appbundle\test;   use mongodb\driver\manager;  class testservice {     public function foo() {       $manager = new manager("mongodb://localhost:27017");    } } 

added execute method:

$ts = $this->getcontainer()->get("test.service"); $ts->foo(); 


attempted load class "manager" namespace "mongodb\driver".
did forget "use" statement namespace?

what missing?

another update

i noticed couldn't switch production because of same, more general, error.

turns out can't use namespaces can class (manager) via qualified name @ run time only!!!
