php - Spipu HTML2PDF not render UTF-8 font (khmer language) -

i try generate pdf both english , khmer font, render of khmer font "?" instead.

try {             $html2pdf = new html2pdf("p", "a4", "en", true, "utf-8", [0, 0, 0, 0]);              $html2pdf->pdf->setdisplaymode("fullpage");             ob_start();             include "property_pdf.pdf";             $content = ob_get_clean();               $html2pdf->writehtml($content);              error_reporting(0);               $html2pdf->createindex("", 30, 12, false, true, 1);             $html2pdf->output("sample.pdf");         } catch (html2pdfexception $e) {             $formatter = new exceptionformatter($e);             echo $formatter->gethtmlmessage();         } 


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