Add marker in google map and display coordinates Angular 4 -

how add marker in google maps , display coordinates in angular 4

i've used google maps n angular4 this:

/////////// model /////////////////     export class googledirection {         public lat: number = 0;         public long: number = 0;     }  /////////////////////////////////////       /////////// component (not all) /////////////////      declare var $: any;      declare var google: any;     public distance : number=0;      findposition() {            let = "milan";           let from= "turin";             let froom: googledirection;           let too: googledirection;            this.getlatlong(from).then((resp) => {             froom = resp;             if (too && froom) {               this.getdirection(froom, too);             }           }).catch(() => {             this._toasterservice.pop('warning', 'attenzione', 'indirizzo di partenza errato');           });            this.getlatlong(to).then((resp) => {             = resp;             if (too && froom) {               this.getdirection(froom, too);             }           }).catch(() => {             this._toasterservice.pop('warning', 'attenzione', 'indirizzo di arrivo errato');           });          }        /**        * function retrive latlong google        * @param address         */       private getlatlong(address: string): promise<googledirection> {          return new promise<googledirection>((resolve, reject) => {           var geocoder = new google.maps.geocoder();            var result = "";            geocoder.geocode({ 'address': address }, (results, status) => {              if (!results || results.length <= 0) return reject(undefined);              var latitude = results[0];             var longitude = results[0].geometry.location.lng();             console.log("lat: " + latitude + ", long: " + longitude);              var result = new googledirection();    = latitude;             result.long = longitude;              resolve(result);            }, (err) => {             reject(err);           });         });         }         /**        * function retrive direction google        * @param         * @param         */       private getdirection(from: googledirection, to: googledirection) {           var map = new"maps"), {           zoom: 6,           center: { lat: 45.438384, lng: 10.991622 }         });          var directionsservice = new google.maps.directionsservice;         var directionsdisplay = new google.maps.directionsrenderer;          directionsdisplay.setmap(map);          directionsservice.route({           origin: { lat:, lng: from.long },           destination: { lat:, lng: to.long },           waypoints: [],           optimizewaypoints: true,           travelmode: 'driving'         }, (response, status) => {           if (status === 'ok') {             directionsdisplay.setdirections(response);             this.getdistance(from, to).then((km) => {               this.distance = km;              });           } else {             // window.alert('directions request failed due ' + status);             console.log(status);           }         });       }         /**        * function retrive distance km google        * @param         * @param         */       private getdistance(from: googledirection, to: googledirection): promise<number> {          return new promise<number>((resolve, reject) => {            var origin = new google.maps.latlng(, from.long);            var destination = new google.maps.latlng(, to.long);             var service = new google.maps.distancematrixservice();           service.getdistancematrix(             {               origins: [origin],               destinations: [destination],               travelmode: 'driving',               avoidhighways: false             }, (response, status) => {               if (status === 'ok') {                 console.log(response);                  var rows = response && response.rows && response.rows.length > 0 ? response.rows[0] : undefined;                 if (!rows) return reject(0);                  var element = rows.elements && rows.elements.length > 0 ? rows.elements[0] : undefined;                 if (!element) return reject(0);                  var distancetxt = element.distance && element.distance.text ? element.distance.text : "";                 if (!distancetxt) return reject(0);                  distancetxt = distancetxt string;                 // esempio: input "1.000,5 km", output "1000.5"                 distancetxt = distancetxt.replace(".", "").tolowercase().replace("km", "").trim().replace(",", ".");                 var distance = math.ceil(parsefloat(distancetxt));                 console.log(distance);                 resolve(distance);               } else {                 // window.alert('directions request failed due ' + status);                 console.log(status);                 reject(0)               }             });            });        }    ///////////////////////////////////// 

then in html:

<div class="btn-conferma-tratta-box">                     <button class="btn btn-info btn-conferma-tratta" (click)="findposition()"><i class="material-icons">map</i> visualizza itinerario</button>                         <div id="maps"></div>                 </div> 

hope helps you!

p.s in package.json: "googleapis": "^19.0.0",


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