javascript - name age and upload file not shown in database -


i uploading image task in symfony database not not show these item program working , image stored in web\uploads\photos.

this studentcontroller.php 1 can solve problem.

<?php  namespace appbundle\controller;   use appbundle\entity\student;  use appbundle\form\formvalidationtype;  use symfony\bundle\frameworkbundle\controller\controller;  use sensio\bundle\frameworkextrabundle\configuration\route;   use symfony\component\httpfoundation\request;  use symfony\component\httpfoundation\response; use symfony\component\form\extension\core\type\texttype;  use symfony\component\form\extension\core\type\filetype;  use symfony\component\form\extension\core\type\submittype;    class studentcontroller extends controller {        /**        * @route("/student/new")     */     public function newaction(request $request) {        $student = new student();        $form = $this->createformbuilder($student)           ->add('name', texttype::class)           ->add('age', texttype::class)           ->add('photo', filetype::class, array('label' => 'photo (png, jpeg)'))           ->add('save', submittype::class, array('label' => 'submit'))           ->getform();         $form->handlerequest($request);        if ($form->issubmitted() && $form->isvalid()) {           $file = $student->getphoto();           $filename = md5(uniqid()).'.'.$file->guessextension();           $file->move($this->getparameter('photos_directory'), $filename);           $student->setphoto($filename);           return new response("user photo uploaded.");        } else {           return $this->render('student/new.html.twig', array(              'form' => $form->createview(),           ));        }     }    }     **student.php** 

this entity class file maked 3 field here 1. name 2. age 3. photo mysql not show me update. enter image description here. enter image description here, file uploaded database not updated

<?php  namespace appbundle\entity;  use doctrine\orm\mapping orm;    /**  * student  *  * @orm\table(name="student")  * @orm\entity(repositoryclass="appbundle\repository\studentrepository")  */ class student {     /**      * @var int      *      * @orm\column(name="id", type="integer")      * @orm\id      * @orm\generatedvalue(strategy="auto")      */     private $id;      /**      * @var string      *      * @orm\column(name="name", type="string", length=255)      */     private $name;      /**      * @var int      *      * @orm\column(name="age", type="integer")      */     private $age;      /**      * @var string      *      * @orm\column(name="photo", type="string", length=255)      */     private $photo;       /**      * id      *      * @return int      */     public function getid()     {         return $this->id;     }      /**      * set name      *      * @param string $name      *      * @return student      */     public function setname($name)     {         $this->name = $name;          return $this;     }      /**      * name      *      * @return string      */     public function getname()     {         return $this->name;     }      /**      * set age      *      * @param integer $age      *      * @return student      */     public function setage($age)     {         $this->age = $age;          return $this;     }      /**      * age      *      * @return int      */     public function getage()     {         return $this->age;     }      /**      * set photo      *      * @param string $photo      *      * @return student      */     public function setphoto($photo)     {         $this->photo = $photo;          return $this;     }      /**      * photo      *      * @return string      */     public function getphoto()     {         return $this->photo;     } }     **new.html.twig**   {% extends 'base.html.twig' %}  {% block javascripts %}     <script language = "javascript" src = ""></script>  {% endblock %}  {% block stylesheets %}     <style>        #simpleform {           width:600px;           border:2px solid grey;           padding:14px;        }         #simpleform label {           font-size:12px;           float:left;           width:300px;           text-align:right;           display:block;        }        #simpleform span {           font-size:11px;           color:grey;           width:100px;           text-align:right;           display:block;        }         #simpleform input {           border:1px solid grey;           font-family:verdana;           font-size:14px;           color:grey;           height:24px;           width:250px;           margin: 0 0 20px 10px;        }         #simpleform button {           clear:both;           margin-left:250px;           background:grey;           color:#ffffff;           border:solid 1px #666666;           font-size:16px;        }     </style>  {% endblock %}  {% block body %}     <h3>student form</h3>     <div id="simpleform">        {{ form_start(form) }}        {{ form_widget(form) }}        {{ form_end(form) }}     </div>    {% endblock %}     parameters: photos_directory: '%kernel.root_dir%/../web/uploads/photos' 

you need use doctrine entity manager persist , flush object in db.

$entitymanager->persist($yourentity); $entitymanager->flush($yourentity); 

i recommand read symfony documentation doctrine , form.

there controller action fixed:

<?php class studentcontroller extends controller {        /**        * @route("/student/new")     */     public function newaction(request $request) {        $student = new student();        $form = $this->createformbuilder($student)           ->add('name', texttype::class)           ->add('age', texttype::class)           ->add('photo', filetype::class, array('label' => 'photo (png, jpeg)'))           ->add('save', submittype::class, array('label' => 'submit'))           ->getform();         $form->handlerequest($request);        if ($form->issubmitted() && $form->isvalid()) {           $file = $student->getphoto();           $filename = md5(uniqid()).'.'.$file->guessextension();           $file->move($this->getparameter('photos_directory'), $filename);           $student->setphoto($filename);           $em = $this->getmanager()->getdoctrine();          $em->persist($student);          $em->flush();          return new response("user photo uploaded.");        } else {           return $this->render('student/new.html.twig', array(              'form' => $form->createview(),           ));        }     }    }   


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