c# - Exception Handling UWP -

i started write first program uwp (universal windows platform). c# , read try-catch block exceptions.
have special structure in app , want advice best kind of exception handling.

my setup follows:
have page called mainpage method getinformation.
have 2 classes, named getsetting , getconnection. getinformation of mainpage input user , send them getconnections. in method call getsetting (nested method).

this structure. know error can happen in every part: user inputs not valid, or can't connection form systems, maybe can't access settings files, or other errors. i've added try-catch blocks each part of app (so in getinformation, getconnection, getsetting).

  • i read message dialog asynchronously method: if try add message dialog each part of application if there error in each 1 3 message dialog errors. don't want make app unclear adding task , await methods because 1 part of app. couldn't find way stop in application , force wait user input. stopped using way.
  • i tried second way: add control in mainpage show error message. gives me problem: there no way return nested methods (i looked 1 didn't find it). inside getconnection , getsetting have no access ui elements. have throw exception inside of try-catch block again until mainpage. approach can't show special information exception. want keep exception , don't want make new exception , throw mainpage becasue stacktrace readonly can't set new exception throw exception created app , can't add special information.

these ways , both have problems. best way exception handling in situation.


public string getinformation() {     // codes here     var data = getconnection();     // code here use data     // other codes } public string getconnection() // in class connection {     // codes here     var data = getsetting();     // code here use data     // other codes } public string getsetting() // in class setting {     // codes here } 

this code. in every part of codes "some codes here" can error happen. best way?

you can return when catch exception , display message

public void get() {     //your code      string returnvalue;     try     {         returnvalue = getinformation();     }     catch (exception)     {         return;     }      //code not cause exception      try     {         //another possible line of causing exception     }     catch (exception)     {         //error message         return;     }      //codes not cause exception }  public string getinformation() {     try     {         //your code     }     catch (exception e)     {         //error message         throw new exception();     } } 


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