grid - Angular 2 - PrimeNG - dataTable Expand one row at a time -

in primeng - there way allow 1 row expanded @ time ?

<p-datatable [value]="cars" expandablerows="true">         <p-column expander="true" styleclass="col-icon"></p-column>          <p-column field="vin" header="vin"></p-column>         <ng-template let-car ptemplate="rowexpansion">          ... </p-datatable> 

i can give clue how solve , hope work you.

it not actual solution issue idea how  solve this. using javascript in code. can convert  angular way. 

<p-datatable expandablerows="true"     (onrowexpand) = "onrowexpand($event)">

onrowexpand(data : any) {          var d = document.getelementsbyclassname('fa fa-fw ui-c ui-row-toggler fa-chevron-circle-down');          if (d.length > 0) {              (var = 0; < d.length; i++) {                  this.renderer.setelementstyle(d[i].parentelement.parentelement.parentelement.nextelementsibling,'display','none')              }          }  }

what doing here fetching class having  fa-chevron-circle-down'. taking parent element recursively till  <tr>. take next sibling element , can delete or can  display none dynamically. 


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