google app engine - gcloud cloud functions deployment failure code 13 message=Failure in the execution environment" -

deploying cloud function gcloud failed below message,

error: (gcloud.beta.functions.deploy) operationerror: code=13, message=failure in execution environment

couldn`t find information error in cloud function logs.

running deploy --verbose debug traces functions called in cloud sdk directory , ends displaying below error,

functionserror: operationerror: code=13, message=failure in execution environment error: (gcloud.beta.functions.deploy) operationerror: code=13, message=failure in execution environment

per google public issue tracker, error due large package.json file hitting internal restriction. possible workarounds:

1- installing dependencies locally (through 'npm install') , deploying --include-ignored-files flag.

2- reduce package.json less 4000 characters

this ongoing issue , can follow discussion on thread related updates.


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