wpf - NuGet does not add dependencies to package -

i'm trying package wpf application nuget pack command. far found out adding -includereferencedprojects resolves problem of referenced projects not getting packed.

./nuget.exe pack {path}.csproj -noninteractive -outputdirectory c:\test -properties configuration=release -version 0.1.0 -verbosity detailed -includereferencedprojects 

the problem face project's dependencies not getting packed. show in log can see below. dependencies: entityframework.

enter image description here

but dependencies never added package. when manually inspect or deploy package data.dll , {name}.exe deployed.

what i've tried (by searching google/so):

  • adding nuspec file csproj file
  • nuget.config reference correct packages folder (in case nuget did not find it)

edit: added generated .nuspec

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <package xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/packaging/2011/08/nuspec.xsd">     <metadata>         <id>{path}.upgradedatabase</id>         <version>0.1.4</version>         <title>{path}.upgradedatabase</title>         <authors>stephanbisschop</authors>         <owners>stephanbisschop</owners>         <requirelicenseacceptance>false</requirelicenseacceptance>         <description>description</description>         <copyright>copyright ©  2016</copyright>         <dependencies>             <dependency id="entityframework" version="6.1.3" />         </dependencies>     </metadata> </package> 

enter image description here

thank in advance, stephan

problem solved. wasn't nuget package missing dependencies.. octopus deploy wasn't restoring packages. fixed adding entries in appropriate .nuspec files. .dll, .config , etc.. files packaged package.


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