Usage of apply plugin: 'application' tag in build.gradle file -
i starting explore gradle , question might naive. have noted gradle docs below plugin-
apply plugin: 'application' application plugin facilitates creating executable jvm application. makes easy start application locally during development. applying application plugin implicitly applies java plugin.
i want understand if below plugin entry mandatory have not seen in many projects. if used make jar runnable/creating executable jvm application. mean skipping not make application executable ?
the 'application'
plugin not mandatory when creating executable jvm application, facilitates creation of one.
you can use other plugins create runnable jar, 1 of them shadow plugin
if know how structure of runnable jar should like, can on own , pack needed libraries small apps or testing extending jar task java
jar { archivename = 'name.jar' manifest { attributes 'main-class': 'main', 'class-path': configurations.runtime.files.collect { "lib/$" }.join(' '), 'implementation-version': project.version (if any) } from(configurations.compile.collect { it.isdirectory() ? : ziptree(it) }) }
i suggest using application plugin. supported, gradle, it's recommended other developers.
applying application plugin implicitly applies java plugin. main source set “application”. , facilitates creation of runnable jar application.
the java plugin adds java compilation along testing , bundling capabilities project. serves basis many of other gradle plugins.
to answer question:
application plugin 1 (recommended) of ways runnable jvm app creation.
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