isabelle - How to defined a constructive predicate for a map? -
here 2 simple predicates:
definition map_is_empty :: "(string ⇒ nat option) ⇒ bool" "map_is_empty env ≡ ∀x. env x = none" value "map_is_empty map.empty" value "map_is_empty [''x''↦1]" definition map_is_less_5 :: "(string ⇒ nat option) ⇒ bool" "map_is_less_5 env ≡ ∀x. ∃y. env x = y ∧ y < 5" value "map_is_less_5 [''x''↦1,''y''↦2]" value "map_is_less_5 [''x''↦1,''y''↦2,''z''↦7]"
the problem value
returns errors such as:
wellsortedness error (in code equation map_is_empty ?env ≡ ∀x. option.is_none (?env x), dependency "pure.dummy_pattern" -> "map_is_empty"): type char list not of sort enum no type arity list :: enum
how define these predicates able evaluate them using value
or values
maybe ~~/src/hol/library/finite_map
, ~~/src/hol/library/mapping
can help, similar errors using them.
seems ideal task, same error:
definition ff_is_empty :: "(string ⇒f nat option) ⇒ bool" "ff_is_empty env ≡ ∀x. env $ x = none" value "ff_is_empty (k$ none)"
i've got it! ~~/src/hol/library/finfun
great. details can found in this presentation. @ "formalising finfuns – generating code functions data isabelle/hol" andreas lochbihler.
for each predicate 1 must define lemma replacing ∀
. lemma used code generation:
definition ff_is_empty :: "(string ⇒f nat option) ⇒ bool" "ff_is_empty env ⟷ (∀x. env $ x = none)" lemma ff_is_empty_code [code]: "ff_is_empty env ⟷ finfun_all ((λx. x = none) ∘$ env)" (auto simp add: ff_is_empty_def finfun_all_all) value "ff_is_empty (k$ none)" value "ff_is_empty (k$ none)(''x'' $:= 1)" fun option_less :: "nat option ⇒ nat ⇒ bool" "option_less (some a) b = (a < b)" | "option_less _ _ = true" definition ff_is_less_5 :: "(string ⇒f nat option) ⇒ bool" "ff_is_less_5 env ⟷ (∀x. option_less (env $ x) 5)" lemma ff_is_less_5_code [code]: "ff_is_less_5 env ⟷ finfun_all ((λx. option_less x 5) ∘$ env)" (auto simp add: ff_is_less_5_def finfun_all_all) value "ff_is_less_5 (k$ none)(''x'' $:= 1)" value "ff_is_less_5 (k$ none)(''x'' $:= 1)(''y'' $:= 2)(''z'' $:= 7)"
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