modelica - OMShell returns String but doesn't recognize it -
for 1 of models, required read final value of variables , set them initial value next simulation. real problem due types defined in omshell. can seen in the scripting commands of openmodelica, there string type , "variablename", "typename" types. elaborate difference:
// following loads standard modelica library >> loadmodel(modelica) true // following throws error >> loadmodel("modelica")
the reason loadmodel function doesn't expect string variable. expects name of model. returning problem, tried use val function in following, can give value initial value of next simulation.
>> final_time := 200; >> myvarvalue := val(myvar, final_time);
this can done each variable using for-loop, thought have several variables , realized problem @ point.
// list of variables >> myvarlist := readsimulationresultvars(currentsimulationresult); >> size(myvarlist) {724} // problem list contains strings >> myvarlist[1] "mysubsystem.mycomponent.mypin.v" // following throws error doesn't expect string >> val(myvarlist[1], final_time)
how can remove "" string omshell returns me? need convert "myvar" myvar can use input functions of omshell.
you can use stringvariablename
>>> vars:=openmodelica.scripting.readsimulationresultvars(currentsimulationresult) {"r","time"} >>> val(stringvariablename(vars[1]), 0.0) 1.0
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