java - How code in RxJava Completable in which Spring controller is returning void -

i have post method return's void after saving record db. if there exception gets thrown , controlleradvice handles it.

i refactoring current code using rxjava 2 , found there completable ( best suited function returns void unlike observable return deferredresult :

@requestmapping(method = get, produces = application_json_value) @responsestatus(ok) public deferredresult<user> getuser(@valid data data) throws exception {     observable<user> data = userserviceimpl.find(data);     deferredresult<user> deffered = new deferredresult<>();     data.subscribe(m -> deffered.setresult(m), e -> deffered.seterrorresult(e));     return deffered; } 

as mentioned in above example success result , error both handled.

what correct way of handling request (throw correct error when occurs), in case method returns void, , keep non-blocking, example:

@requestmapping(method = post, consumes = application_json_value, produces = application_json_value)     @responsestatus(ok)     public void setuserdata(@valid @requestbody data data) throws exception {         completable value =;     } 

should return deferredresult? method should used converting completable deferredresult exception handled?

like in case of method used following

data.subscribe(m -> deffered.setresult(m), e -> deffered.seterrorresult(e)); 

what should used in case of completable?

thanks in advance help.


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