How to count matched elements from an Array in another Array MongoDB -
i using mongodb aggregate framework query users collection.
this is example of user schema layout below:
{ "_id" : objectid("xxxxxxxxxxxxxx367db"), "updatedat" : isodate("2017-08-18t10:59:54.904z"), "createdat" : isodate("2017-08-18t10:59:54.904z"), "email" : "", "firstname" : "tianna.", "gender" : "male", "geometry" : { "coordinates" : [ -6.26119, 53.35247 ], "_id" : objectid("5996c8a9a4d84d3639c367dc"), "type" : "point" }, "age" : 25, "personalattributes" : [ "ksjdnksajdna", "ksjdssacasca", "xz12nksajdna", "xz12nksaxxna", "xz12nksaxxxx", "xz12nwwzwwwa", "xz12nkslkmna", ] }
this steps outlined in aggregate pipeline.
1: geolocate users within specified distance using $geonear operator.
2: match users based on gender.
db.getcollection('users').aggregate([ { "$geonear": { "near": { "type": "point", "coordinates": [ -6.26030969999999, 53.3498053 ] }, "distancefield": "dist.calculated", "spherical": true, "maxdistance": 770000 } }, { "$match": { "gender": "male" } } ])
what want pass users personalattributes array , count number of matched items in each array .it this:
db.getcollection('users').aggregate([ { "$geonear": { "near": { "type": "point", "coordinates": [ -6.26030969999999, 53.3498053 ] }, "distancefield": "dist.calculated", "spherical": true, "maxdistance": 770000 } }, { "$match": { "gender": "male" } }, { "$project": { "_id": 1, "gender": 1, "firstname": 1, "profileimage": 1 "personalattributesmatches": { //pass in users personalattributes array , count number of matches , return data. } } } } ])
with expected output be
/* 1 */ { "_id" : objectid("5996c8aaa4d84d3639c36a61"), "firstname" : "sharon", "gender" : "male", "personalattributesmatches": 15 } /* 2 */ { "_id" : objectid("5996c9c41daf273658715fcf"), "firstname" : "hilton", "gender" : "male", "personalattributesmatches": 11 } /* 3 */ { "_id" : objectid("5996c6d66f8910361b8232b5"), "firstname" : "eliezer", "gender" : "male", "personalattributesmatches": 7 }
insights appreciated!!
you can make use of setintersection expression, project stage can following:
"$project": { "_id": 1, "gender": 1, "firstname": 1, "profileimage": 1, "personalattributesmatches": { $size:{ $setintersection: ["$personalattributes", _other_persons_attributes_] } } }
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