java - How do I delete a log file while using RollingFileAppender in log4j? -

sometimes, while rolling log files, there seems issue occurring like: 'unable delete log file', 'unable move log file'.

error: java.nio.file.filesystemexception a.log -> directory\a-2011-08-09-2.log: process cannot access file because being used process. 

following log4j configuration:

<rollingfile name="a" filename="${sys:catalina.base}/logs/a.log" append="true" createondemand="true" filepattern="${sys:catalina.base}/logs/a-%d{yyyy-mm-dd}-%i.log">             <patternlayout>                 <pattern>%d{iso8601}|%-5p|%i|%t|%s|%r|%t|%c{1} - %m%n</pattern>             </patternlayout>             <policies>                 <timebasedtriggeringpolicy />                 <sizebasedtriggeringpolicy size="10mb"/>             </policies>             <defaultrolloverstrategy max="25"/>         </rollingfile> 


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