Obtain the valueField from combo after to set displayValue?? EXTJS -

i have problem in getting number value combobox.

{     xtype: "combo",     name: "cmb_scc",     id: "cmb_scc",     hiddenname: "combovalue",     fieldlabel: "scc",     width: 305,     store: store_scc,     valuefield: 'subcentro_codigo',     displayfield: 'subcentro_nombre',     triggeraction: 'all',     disabled: true,     mode: 'local',     readonly: false,     allowblank: false,     listeners:{         select: function(combo, record, index) {             ext.getcmp("cmb_scc").setvalue(record.get('subcentro_nombre'));         }     }  }, 

in combobox have 2 values, valuefield , displayfield obtained store_scc. these values can example:

1 - engineering, 2 - humanity ... etc.

when click combo show name ( engineering) depends of number value (1).

this name showed when setvalue with:


but line replaces original value 1 of 'cmb_scc' text engineering, if want obtain number value field after, not possible, can obtain number value if call getvalue method before line.

example (subcentro = 1):

var subcentro = form_nuevocontrato.getform().findfield('cmb_scc').getvalue();  ext.getcmp("cmb_scc").setvalue(record.get('subcentro_nombre')); 

example (subcentro = engineering)

ext.getcmp("cmb_scc").setvalue(record.get('subcentro_nombre'));  var subcentro = form_nuevocontrato.getform().findfield('cmb_scc').getvalue(); 

how can obtain number value combo after setvalue in combo? need use in other statements later, fill grid depends of number value cmb_scc.



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