r - How to make boxplot for time format data? -
i have data frame 4 columns showing daylight in hours. need make boxplot compare different groups , take anova test comparing groups. here did not working.
b c d 15:15:08 15:29:08 15:32:50 15:34:12 15:02:32 15:23:43 15:21:06 15:34:50 14:40:34 14:58:30 15:21:06 15:32:50 15:15:08 15:29:08 15:21:06 15:34:50 15:10:03 14:58:30 15:30:01 15:34:12 15:23:43 15:19:42 15:30:01 15:34:00 14:56:24 15:29:08 15:21:06 15:34:50 15:15:08 14:58:30 15:24:56 15:34:50 15:15:08 14:58:30 15:32:50 15:34:12 14:56:24 14:42:57 15:32:50 15:34:50 14:56:24 14:47:35 15:21:06 15:30:01 14:56:24 15:23:43 15:24:56 15:34:12 15:15:08 14:49:51 15:30:01 15:34:12 15:02:32 15:32:50 15:30:01 15:27:10 15:10:03 15:29:08 15:34:12 15:34:12 df<-as.posixct(df$a, format = "%h:%m:%s") df<-as.posixct(df$b, format = "%h:%m:%s") df<-as.posixct(df$c, format = "%h:%m:%s") df<-as.posixct(df$d, format = "%h:%m:%s") boxplot(df) df.anova <- c(df$a, df$b, df$c, df$d) groups = factor(rep(letters[1:4], each = 15)) fit = lm(formula = df.anova~ groups) anova (fit)
convert times hours using as.itime
. plot boxplots , use pairwise t-tests compare groups. anova in r test means being equal, not need on occasion assume:
library(data.table) #convert hours df[] <- lapply(df, function(x) as.numeric(as.itime(x)) / 3600) #boxplots boxplot(df) #melt data.frame , calculate pairwise t.tests melteddf <- melt(df) pairwise.t.test(melteddf$value, melteddf$variable) #pairwise comparisons using t tests pooled sd #data: melteddf$value , melteddf$variable # # b c #b 0.24228 - - #c 9.9e-06 0.00073 - #d 4.1e-08 5.0e-06 0.24228 #p value adjustment method: holm
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