angular - TypeError: Invalid Event Target - But just by using direct Route -
the application has following component implemented
import { component, oninit, elementref, viewchild } '@angular/core' import { router } '@angular/router' import { datasource } '@angular/cdk' import { behaviorsubject } 'rxjs/behaviorsubject'; import { observable } 'rxjs/observable'; import 'rxjs/add/operator/startwith'; import 'rxjs/add/observable/merge'; import 'rxjs/add/operator/map'; import 'rxjs/add/operator/debouncetime'; import 'rxjs/add/operator/distinctuntilchanged'; import 'rxjs/add/observable/fromevent'; import { customeroverviewservice, customeroverviewdatasource } './../../services/customer-overview.service' @component({ selector: 'customer-overview-component', templateurl: 'customer-overview.component.html', styleurls: ['./customer-overview.component.css'], providers: [customeroverviewservice] }) export class customeroverviewcomponent implements oninit { private _dataservice: customeroverviewservice; public datasource: customeroverviewdatasource | null; @viewchild('filter') filter: elementref; constructor(private dataservice: customeroverviewservice, private router: router) { this._dataservice = dataservice; this.datasource = new customeroverviewdatasource(this._dataservice); } ngoninit() { observable.fromevent(this.filter.nativeelement, 'keyup') .debouncetime(150) .distinctuntilchanged() .subscribe(() => { if (!this.datasource) { return; } this.datasource.filter = this.filter.nativeelement.value; }); } }
the routing defined following
const approutes: routes = [ { path: '', component: homecomponent } { path: 'customer', component: customeroverviewcomponent } ] @ngmodule({ bootstrap: sharedconfig.bootstrap, declarations: sharedconfig.declarations, imports: [ routermodule.forroot( approutes, { enabletracing: true }), browsermodule, formsmodule, httpmodule, browseranimationsmodule, sharedmodule, ], providers: [ customeroverviewservice, ...sharedconfig.providers, { provide: 'origin_url', usevalue: location.origin } ] })
the component works fine without error via console or getting 500 via network protocol. when use direct link localhost/customer, following error.
an unhandled exception occurred while processing request.
exception: call node module failed error: error: uncaught (in promise): typeerror: invalid event target typeerror: invalid event target @ function.fromeventobservable.setupsubscription
i tried use observable.fromevent in ngafterviewinit , in constructor, none of helped. missing here?
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