elasticsearch - Elastic search v5.5 Scripted Nested Function Scoring -
hi have nested document structure
"question":{ "questionid":{"type":"integer"}, "userid":{"type":"integer"}, "action": { "type":"nested", "properties": { "created": {"type": "date"}, "interactiontype": {"type": "text"}, //values can answer,upvote etc "userid": {"type": "integer"}, "score":{"type":"long"} } ....//other properties }
now want scoring of question on several functions. 1 of function is:
- iterate of every action , type.
actual query little more complex. bascially see query should return me val= sum of scores of (all/script filtered) nested structures.
{ "query": {"function_score": { "query": {"bool": {"should": [ {"function_score": {"boost_mode": "max", "query": {"terms": { "questionid": [ 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 ] }}, "functions": [ {"weight": 0} ] }},{ "nested": { "path": "action", "query": {"bool": {"must": [ { "function_score": { "query": {"script": { "script": "doc['userid'].value != doc['action.userid'].value" }}, "functions": [ {"weight": 0} ] } },{ "function_score": { "query": {"bool": {"must": [ {"terms": { "action.userid": [ 1100,1200,1300,1400,1500,1600,1700,1800 ] }} ]}}, "functions": [ {"script_score": { "script": { "inline": "double val=0; for(item in doc['action.score']){ val+=score;} return val;" } }} ] }}]}} } } ]}}, "functions": [{ "weight": 0} ],"boost_mode": "sum","score_mode":"sum" }} } eg. question:{ questionid:1, userid:1, action:[{ created:null, interactiontype: "answer", userid:1100, score:100}, { created:null, interactiontype: "upvote", userid:1200, score:10 }]
should return val=200. returning 100.
might due reason every nested query executing separately.
can please suggest way achieve this?
please don't suggest me index score @ question level going ahead i'll enhancing script filter out nested documents or other complexities in script score inline method.
there property @ nested level name score mode default avg can changed sum cater needs.
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