eclipse - How can i add images in source folder of a Maven Java Project? -

i have images in source folder of maven java project. can see in below image.

images in source folder

if run install command of maven, when see generated jar file , not see images in sources in jar file.

my maven configuration below.

    <plugins>          <plugin>             <artifactid>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactid>             <version>3.6.1</version>             <configuration>             </configuration>         </plugin>          <plugin>             <groupid>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupid>             <artifactid>maven-jar-plugin</artifactid>             <version>2.4</version>             <configuration>                 <archive>                     <manifest>                         <mainclass></mainclass>                     </manifest>                 </archive>             </configuration>         </plugin>     </plugins> </pluginmanagement> 

how can add images in source folder jar file maven java project ?

you can use resources plugin add files jar. default, maven project's resources under src/main/resources. if move images there, should automatically included. however, if want include different folder, can tell maven with:

<project>  ...  <build>    ...    <resources>      <resource>        <directory>[your folder here]</directory>        <includes><include>*.png</include></includes>      </resource>    </resources>    ...  </build>  ... </project> 


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