ubuntu - How to fix broken images and icons in jenkins UI -

i having trouble jenkins ui these days images , icons (build icons , in manage jenkins page) broken. have googled , haven't found clear. also, jenkins became slower. read clearing temp folder might cause issue. , yes after restarting jenkins service on instance has become worse , icons broken. how can fix it? screenshots attached can me this. location of jenkins.war : /usr/share/jenkins/jenkins.war

jenkins version: 1.651.2 instance : ubuntu size: t2.large have these files in tmp dir:

hs_err_pid9138.log,  jetty- , winstone3877623187585170658.jar,  winstone6494081310724055556.jar, hsperfdata_jenkins, jna--1712433994 ,winstone5277385331684199945.jar 

broken icons - jenkins

broken icons -jenkins

after research found , helped:


 - sudo service jenkins stop  - sudo mv /var/cache/jenkins/war /var/cache/jenkins/war.gone  - sudo service jenkins start 
