using SweetAlert library in TypeScript -

i have used sweetalert in typescript getting error message:

uncaught typeerror: sweet.default not function

i installed sweetalert via npm sweetalert --save , via types command npm --save @types\sweetalert

code app.ts:

import * $ "jquery" import * swal 'sweetalert';  export class med {    public showalert() {      $("#med").click(function() {       swal({         title: 'are sure?',         text: "you won't able revert this!",         type: 'warning',        })     })   } //end showalert  } //end class  let f = new med() f.showalert(); 

code config.ts:

require(   ['app'],   function(app: any) {    },    function(err: any) {     console.error('error: ', err.requiretype);     console.error('modules: ', err.requiremodules);   } ); 

code tsconfig.json:

{   "compileroptions": {     "target": "es5",     /* specify ecmascript target version: 'es3' (default), 'es5', 'es2015', 'es2016', 'es2017', or 'esnext'. */     "module": "amd",     /* specify module code generation: 'commonjs', 'amd', 'system', 'umd', 'es2015', or 'esnext'. */     "noimplicitany": true,     "strictnullchecks": true,     "outdir": "./build",     "lib": ["es2016", "dom"],     /* redirect output structure directory. */     "strict": true /* enable strict type-checking options. */   },    "files": [     "sweet.d.ts"   ],    "exclude": [     "./build",     "./node_modules",     "sweet.d.ts"   ] }     

code index.html:

<!doctype html> <html>  <head>   <title>test ts</title>   <link rel="stylesheet" href="build/sweetalert.css">   <script data-main="build/config.js" src="node_modules/requirejs/require.js"></script> </head>  <body>    <button id="med">affiche</button>    <div id="test" style="background-color: #eee;color:#444;font-size: 28px;padding: 25px;display: none;"> bonjour</div> </body>  </html> 

please me solve issue.


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