How do I get the result of a Select SQL statement in VBA -

i want able use sql retrieve data table , display immediate window in access.

i new vba , can't seem find way of doing it

dim strsql string dim cdb dao.database dim result variant  strsql = "select x, y z;"  set cdb = currentdb  debug.print strsql  result = call cdb.execute(strsql)  debug.print result  

to print value of field first record.

dim strsql string dim result dao.recordset strsql = "select x y z;" set result = currentdb.openrecordset(strsql, dbopendynaset) result.movelast result.movefirst debug.print result!x 

if want print value each record, use loop structure move each record like:

do while not result.eof     debug.print result!x     result.movenext loop 

review site - @ section 'examples library' halfway down.


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